So I Think I Can Blog

What am I doing here?
As the cursor impatiently blinked at me from this WordPress dashboard, the pressure to put fingers to keyboard almost sent me back to the account settings menu to delete this account. After all, blogs are a dime a dozen and there are no shortage of busy working moms writing anecdotes, sharing healthy recipes and venting about the pressures of modern life. Does the blogosphere have room for one more? Will anyone read it? I don’t know. I do know that there have been days that I wouldn’t have made it through without the honesty from the ladies at Scary Mommy , many dinners that wouldn’t have been prepared without Fat Free Vegan, and an empowered pregnancy that may have been much scarier without Bonzai Aphrodite. While I can only aspire to be as successful a blogger as these renowned women, if one of my posts shows up in your harried search results and helps you resolve even the smallest of dilemmas then it is worth the while.

What will I talk about?
Stuff. Ya know…a little of this, a little of that. I will never claim to know it all, but I’ll tell you how I found my way through life’s various challenges. I’ll tell you how I’m dealing with a tough client, hurdling a bout of writer’s block, getting a toddler to eat new food, or deciphering which vegan bacon recipe on Pinterest is actually worth making. I’ll admit when I’m a mess and ask for your help, I’ll celebrate my small victories and humbly accept your applause. I’ll be me. I’ll be real.

So, who am I?
You could read my “about” page. But, here’s my 30 second pitch: I am an indecisive dreamer with open-ended days and long nights. I am a freelancer who will take on almost any (credible) job for the right rate. I am a new, and humble, mother. I am a vegan foodie who prides myself on making plants taste better than bacon. I am a hunter of bargains, a lover of literature, a budding beer snob and an eternal fan of 90’s rock. I work, I mother, I cook, I hate cleaning but love organizing. I am a Jane-of-all-trades, and so are you. So, let’s talk about it.